With a PC provided with Microsoft Windows operating system, the user can manage his home domotic system by surfing through a graphic interface that reproduces every house room.
In this way it’s possible to manage the classical functionalities such as the lightning and automations: but we speak about an integrated system only when the devices communicate to each other and they can be controlled by a unique platform thanks to the management software.
Integrating internal and external video surveillance, video entry-phone, anti-theft devices, air-conditioning, gas and water leaks sensors, video and audio systems and loads control is now a concrete possibility, that allows the user to have a complete control on his home all day long, wherever he is. Easydom domotics gives an additional value: the final customer can choose among the security systems, cameras and sound systems of the best-known brands available on the market, since they can be perfectly integrated with the system.
The domotic management includes also the external home perimeter: entrances control, crepuscular detectors, courtesy lights, outdoor lights (with crepuscular detectors in order to avoid energy consumption). All these functions can be activated in real time, or programmed (without the user intervention).
The user can easily create scenarios on his own, they can be time scheduled or associated to buttons that the installer lets “free” during the programming phase.
The “going out” scenario for example, can be associated to the button near the entrance, activating the alarm system, switching off all the lights and closing all the shutters; every single action can be modified on the basis of the user needs.