To follow if you are thinking about a domotic home
The first step is to project your domotic system adequately, with a customized planning you are already half way there. Don't believe that an old system is faster and cheaper, because it would be like buying a car without electric car windows.
All the technologies, when just come out, are not affordable or they are reserved only to an inner circle. Remember for example the first mobile phones that were very expensive, while today everyone owns at least one. Even domotics has followed the same path, when it first came out in the 80s it was considered "stuff for rich" but nowadays it's suitable for all, thanks to the fast technological evolution.
It's important to have a domotic system that speaks with market standard products, that is not tied to one producer's security, sensors, audio-video and automation products. For this reason Easydom has integrated into its software the management of the best national and international companies on the market.
As opposed to the traditional systems, domotic technology allows to change the configurations in a simple and direct way, on the basis of the needs. The flexibility permits to install products with no restrictions, for example it's possible to choose any producer's plates, switches, sockets, alarms, cameras, video entryphones and all the things related to installation equipment.
Domotics adds value to the traditional house economic evaluation elements. This new parameter contributes more and more to the general house economic evaluation, which makes reference to the technological contents. It helps to reach a great energy consumption saving by increasing the certification category the property belongs to and bringing a real costs saving.